Jane and Matilda Roll

DESCRIPTION: "Jane and Matilda roll"(3x). "They roll on the ny-ah." "Matilda I know my dump dump road." "Roll Matilda, she big, they got big brat." "Matilda Jane hey they got it."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1981 (JamaicaFaithWorkPlay)
KEYWORDS: nonballad baby
FOUND IN: West Indies(Jamaica)
Alfred McLerty, "Jane and Matilda Roll" (on JamaicaFaithWorkPlay)
NOTES [98 words]: In his liner notes to JamaicaFaithWorkPlay Roberts writes, that "Jane and Matilda Roll" is a song "for nine-night, the last night of the traditional wakes that are still important social and musical occasions in rural Jamaica.... 'Jane and Matilda Roll' is typical of the mildly bawdy humor of the nine-nights and Jamaica life in general." The current description is the way I hear the JamaicaFaithWorkPlay recording; obviously I can't make head nor tail of what I hear and so can't appreciate the "mildly bawdy humor." I would appreciate any more informed rewrite of that description. - BS
Last updated in version 6.7
File: RcJaMaRo

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