Half Door, The
DESCRIPTION: The singer finds a home with "a sweet colleen" behind an open half-door. She invites him to come in. They dance. He proposes but she tells him to come back when she is older"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1964 (NFOBlondahl04)
KEYWORDS: courting dancing
FOUND IN: Canada(Newf) Ireland
Roud #5275
Margaret Barry and Michael Gorman, "The Half-Door" (on Voice15)
Omar Blondahl, "The Half Door" (on NFOBlondahl04)
NOTES [35 words]: GEST Songs of Newfoundland and Labrador site has this as "Irish traditional" though I haven't yet seen any paper copy. - BS
There are a number of Irish recordings; actual field collections seem to be few. - RBW
File: RcHalDoo
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