Gin and Coconut Water
DESCRIPTION: The singer, from the West Indies, now in U.S., complains that he has "lost my strength and my energy" because he cannot get gin and coconut water in America. He goes to a doctor who says, "Take this advice fom me ... go back to the West Indies"
AUTHOR: Wilmoth Houdini
EARLIEST DATE: 1946 (Houdini)
KEYWORDS: emigration drink America nonballad doctor
FOUND IN: West Indies(Bahamas)
REFERENCES (1 citation):
ADDITIONAL: Jim Morse, _Folk Songs of the Caribbean_ (New York: Bantam Books, 1958), p. 182-185, "Gin and Coconut Water" (Honey come and go with me, Back to the West Indie) (1 tune)
Blind Blake Higgs, "Gin and Coconut Water" (on WIHIGGS01)
Wilmoth Houdini and his Royal Calypso Orchestra, "Gin and Cocoanut Water" (1946, on Decca 23543 A)
NOTES [29 words]: Higgs keeps Houdini's name in the song. The doctor's prescription according to both Higgs and Houdini is "Take this advice from me Houdini and go back to the West Indies" - BS
Last updated in version 5.2
File: RcGiCoWa
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