Farewell, Last Going
DESCRIPTION: The leader sings "Goodbye members," "This is the last," "We had a good time," "I hate to leave you," "I hope to see you," "This is the last," "Goodbye members." The response to each line is "Farewell, Last going, farewell."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1983 (McIntosh1)
KEYWORDS: nonballad religious
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Rosenbaum-ShoutBecauseFree, pp. 162-163, "Farewell, Last Day Goin'" (1 text, 1 tune)
Lawrence McKiver and the McIntosh County Shouters, "Farewell, Last Goin'" (on McIntosh1); "Farewell, Last Goin'" (on McIntoshShouters-RingShoutOnsiteVideo)
Freddie Palmer and The McIntosh County Shouters, "Farewell, Last Goin'" (on McIntoshShouters-RingShoutPresentation)
NOTES [62 words]: Art Rosenbaum's liner notes to McIntosh1: "... the song sung at the dawn of a new year after Watch Night ... often this was the last song of the shout" (p. 8).
The Rosenbaum-ShoutBecauseFree/McIntoshShouters-RingShoutSongs text and track is a "ring shout" song. The McIntoshShouters-RingShoutPresentation and McIntoshShouters-RingShoutOnsiteVideo videos show the shout. - BS
Last updated in version 6.7
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