Everybody Ought To Make a Change
DESCRIPTION: Every verse ends "Everybody, they ought to change sometime, because it's soon or late, we have to go down in that lonesome ground" See the notes for verses.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1938 (recording, Sleepy John Estes)
KEYWORDS: death nonballad religious
Eric Clapton, "Everybody Oughta Make A Change" (Warner Bros 92.9770-7, 1983)
Sleepy John Estes, "Everybody Oughta Make a Change" (Decca 7371,1938); "Lonesome Ground" (on USChartersHeroes)
Son Lewis, "Everybody Ought To Make A Change" (on "Too Hot," Silk City CD LPD2035 (2014))
Dave Moore, "Everybody Ought To Make A Change" (on "Jukejoints & Cantinas," Red House RHR CD 06 (1992))
NOTES [102 words]: Verses on Estes's 1938 and 1962 recordings include "Change in the ocean, change in the deep blue sea, Take me back baby, find a change in me." "I changed my money, I changed my honey, I changed, babies, just to keep from being funny." and "I changed walk, I changed talk, I changed baby just to keep from being bought." The 1938 recording has "I changed home, I changed town, I changed baby, all way around" The 1962 recording ends "I changed my ways, I changed my days, I changed days just to sanctify all my ways." The late recordings I've heard made after Clapton's cover Clapton's words but not his style. - BS
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