Donagh Hill

DESCRIPTION: "On the eighth of November In the year of '68" there was a hare hunt on Donagh Hill "on Colonel Madden's estate." "Tally Ho, Hark away." The route is described, the dogs named. The hare tires. The hunters plan to let it go but Gaynor makes the kill.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1980 (IRHardySons)
KEYWORDS: death hunting animal dog moniker Ireland
FOUND IN: Ireland
Roud #17893
Red Mick McDermott, "Donagh Hill" (on IRHardySons)
cf. "Bold Reynard the Fox (Tallyho! Hark! Away!)" (form, hunting theme)
cf. "The Hare's Dream" (form, hunting theme)
NOTES [24 words]: The Notes for "Killafole Boasters" discuss the practice of letting the hare, or fox, that has led a good chase, live to be hunted another day. - BS
File: RcDonHil

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