Can You Rokker Romany?

DESCRIPTION: "If you jump up on my barrow, I'll take you for a ride. And maybe in the springtime you can be my bride." Can you speak Romany, play the fiddle, eat prison food, cut the wood, break a horse, sleep with a girl and make someone not Romany?
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1864 (Wandsworth, according to Coughlan)
KEYWORDS: sex fiddle food nonballad
FOUND IN: Britain(England(South))
REFERENCES (2 citations):
ADDITIONAL: Tim Coughlan, Now Shoon the Romano Gillie, (Cardiff,2001), #15, p. 214, "Can You Rokra Romany?" [from Wandsworth]
George Borrow, _Romano Lavo-Lil: Word-Book of the Romany or English Gypsy Language_, 1874 (references are to the 2011? Lost Library reprint), frontispiece, "(Can you rokra Romany?)" (1 short text with translation)

Peter Ingram, "Can You Rokker Romany?" (on Voice11)
NOTES [57 words]: The text in Voice11 translates the Romany words into English (for example, "rokker" is translated as "speak"). The description relies on that translation.
Coughlan #15 is a single verse corresponding to Ingram's second verse. For a more general discussion see Coughlan, #15-22, pp. 214-225. Coughlan #15 is the earliest of these citations. - BS
Last updated in version 3.0
File: RcCYRRom

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