Cindy (II) (Old Jude)
DESCRIPTION: Cantefable; "Railroad, a plank road, river and canoe/If it hadn't have been for Dr. Grey they wouldn't have killed old Jude." Old Jude was Dr. Grey's pregnant slave; Grey beat her to make her name the father, a white Gentleman; she died from the beating
AUTHOR: unknown (possibly Dan Tate)
EARLIEST DATE: c. 1979 (collected from Dan Tate by Mike Yates)
LONG DESCRIPTION: Cantefable; "Railroad, a plank road, river and canoe/If it hadn't have been for Doctor Grey they wouldn't have killed old Jude." In a spoken explanation, singer says Old Jude was Doctor Grey's slave; she was pregnant, and Doctor Grey beat her to get her to name the father; in the end she died from the beating. The singer says that Jude said the father was "a white man and a gentleman" and adds, "That's the way that slaves were treated by people in this country." Chorus is a standard chorus from "Cindy (I)."
KEYWORDS: accusation violence abuse crime homicide death pregnancy slavery father slave Black(s)
Dan Tate, "Cindy" (on OldTrad1, FarMtns1)
cf. "Cindy (I)" (tune, chorus)
cf. "Coffee Grows (Four in the Middle)" (lyrics)
cf. "The Brown Jug (Bounce Around)" (lyrics)
NOTES [17 words]: This is one of the very few acknowledgments in White traditional music of the horrors of slavery. -PJS
Last updated in version 4.3
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