Bull Dog Down in Tennessee
DESCRIPTION: Parody of "The Girl I Left in Sunny Tennessee." Singer goes to court his girl, but her father sics a bulldog on him. As the dog attacks him, he flees over the hills and hollers back to his home
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1925 (recording, Doc Walsh)
KEYWORDS: courting derivative humorous parody dog father lover
Roud #7879
Ashley & Foster, "Bull Dog Sal" (unissued, prob. Vocalion, 1933; on StuffDreanm1)
Lester "Pete" Bivins , "Bull Dog in Tennessee" (Bluebird B-6950/Montgomery Ward M-7229. 1937)
Carolina Tar Heels, "The Bulldog Down in Sunny Tennessee" (Victor 20941, 1927)
Doc Walsh, "Bull Dog Down in Tennessee" (Columbia 15057-D, 1926; rec. 1925)
cf. "The Girl I Left in Sunny Tennessee" (tune, object of parody)
NOTES [47 words]: It was a tossup whether these recordings should be entered as "Same Tune" items under "Girl I Left In Sunny Tennessee" or given their own entry. But the song has its own distinct plot, and it managed to get into the repertoires of several performers, so I decided to dignify it. - PJS
Last updated in version 3.6
File: RcBDDITe
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