In This Field We Mus' Die
DESCRIPTION: We must die in this field. We shall die in that field. Born to die. We must die. My God says we must. Sure as you live, You're going to die
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1981 (Rosenbaum-ShoutBecauseFree)
KEYWORDS: nonballad religious death
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Rosenbaum-ShoutBecauseFree, pp. 142-143, "In This Field We Mus' Die" (2 texts, 1 tune)
Freddie Palmer, Brenton Jordan and The McIntosh County Shouters, "In the Field We Must Die" (on McIntoshShouters-SpiritualsShouts)
NOTES [28 words]: The description is from the Rosenbaum-ShoutBecauseFree texts.
The Rosenbaum-ShoutBecauseFree text and McIntoshShouters-SpiritualsShouts track are "ring shout" songs. - BS
Last updated in version 6.7
File: RSBF142
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