Drive Ol' Joe

DESCRIPTION: Calls: "Drive ol' Joe." "Drive 'im from the windows." "Drive 'im from the do'." "Don't want him round us." Response: "Drive 'im"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1994 (Rosenbaum-ShoutBecauseFree)
KEYWORDS: nonballad betrayal slavery
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Rosenbaum-ShoutBecauseFree, pp. 124-125, "Drive Ol' Joe" (1 text, 1 tune)
Venus McIver, Brenton Jordan and The McIntosh County Shouters, "Drive Ol' Joe" (on McIntoshShouters-SpiritualsShouts)
NOTES [57 words]: The description is from the Rosenbaum-ShoutBecauseFree text. Rosenbaum says the song is about Joe, "a slave who was a traitor to his fellow slaves."
The Rosenbaum-ShoutBecauseFree text and McIntoshShouters-SpiritualsShouts track are "ring shout" songs in which the leader sings a call and the basers respond "Drive 'im. Ol' Joe. Drive 'im." - BS
Last updated in version 6.7
File: RSBF124

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