Moon Shined on My Bed Last Night, The

DESCRIPTION: As the Moon shines, the singer finds no rest, thinking of the boy she left behind. When an old rich man wants to marry her, she ignores her parents' advice; she would rather live in poverty but with her love. She is bound to follow him to another country.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1952 (Jeannie Robertson)
LONG DESCRIPTION: As the Moon shone on her bed the singer can find no rest, thinking of the boy she left behind. If he were there she could sleep. She ignores talk of him and of her. When an old rich man wants to marry her, she ignores the advice of her parents, for she would rather live in poverty but with her love. She is bound to follow him to another country
KEYWORDS: age jealousy poverty courting elopement emigration lover family
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Aber))
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Porter/Gower-Jeannie-Robertson-EmergentSingerTransformativeVoice #65, p. 231-232, "The Moon Shined on My Bed Last Night" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #6959
NOTES [17 words]: This song has so far only been recorded by Jeannie Robertson and her immediate family in Aberdeen. - DGE
Last updated in version 5.3
File: RPG065

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