I'm So Glad Today I'm Ready

DESCRIPTION: "I'm so glad today I'm ready, And my friends stand by my side, And he promised to go with me, Even to the day I died." The singer asks to be bruied "in the little graveyard" with his Bible. He has messages for mother and father wanting to see them
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1961 (Roberts/Agey-InThePine)
KEYWORDS: death burial religious mother father
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Roberts/Agey-InThePine #116, "I'm So Glad Today I'm Ready" (1 text, 1 tune)
NOTES [114 words]: Personally, I'm so glad the singer is dead, so I don't have to listen to yet another monotonous hymn about meeting mother and father again....
Hymnary.org does not seem to have any versions of this hymn. I wonder, given the number of unique hymns in Roberts/Agey-InThePine, if there wasn't someone in that part of Kentucky churning out hymns that never spread outside the area.
The idea of being buried with one's Bible is interesting and rare; after the invention of printing, families often had Bibles, frequently handed down across generations, but until recently it wasn't very common for individuals to have one. I'd say that's an indication that the song is relatively new.- RBW
Last updated in version 6.7
File: RAInP116

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