Girl I Left in Sunny Tennessee, The
DESCRIPTION: The singer is happily returning home to see the girl he left behind. He recalls the joyful times in Tennessee. Finally the train pulls into his hometown, and he sees his relatives but not Mary. His mother tells him that Mary is dead and in her grave
AUTHOR: Harry Braisted and Stanley Carter
EARLIEST DATE: 1899 (copyright; first recording by Byron Harlan)
KEYWORDS: love separation return death
FOUND IN: US(Ap,MW,SE,So) Canada(Newf)
REFERENCES (7 citations):
Dean-FlyingCloud, pp. 86-86. "The Girl I Loved in Sunny Tennessee" (1 text)
Randolph 810, "The Girl I Loved in Sunny Tennessee" (1 text)
Brown/Schinhan-FrankCBrownCollectionNCFolklore5 725, "Sunny Tennessee" (1 short text, 1 tune)
Browne-AlabamaFolkLyric 98, "The Girl I Loved in Sunny Tennessee" (3 texts plus mention of 1 more, 2 tunes)
Wolfe/Boswell-FolkSongsOfMiddleTennessee 67, pp. 110-111, "Girl in Sunny Tennessee" (1 text, 1 tune)
Rorrer-RamblingBlues-LifeAndSongsOfCharliePoole, p. 69, "The Girl I Left in Sunny Tennessee" (1 text)
Cohen-AmericanFolkSongsARegionalEncyclopedia1, pp. 272-273, "The Girl I Loved in Sunny Tennessee" (1 text plus a sheet music cover)
Roud #4290
S. H. Dudley & Harry Macdonough, "The Girl I Loved in Sunny Tennessee" (Zon-O-Phone 506, rec. c. 1901; on Protobilly)
Morgan Denmon, "Girl I Loved in Sunny Tennessee" (OKeh 45105, 1927)
Floyd County Ramblers, "Sunny Tennessee" (Victor V-40307, 1930; on Protobilly)
[Byron] Harlan & [Frank] Stanley, "The Girl I Loved in Sunny Tennessee" (Columbia 257, 1901)
Byron G. Harlan, "The Girl I Loved in Sunny Tennessee" (CYL: Edison 5716, c. 1899)
John James, "Sunny Tennessee" (on MUNFLA/Leach)
Wade Mainer, "The Girl I Left In Sunny Tennessee" (King 1093, 1952)
Asa Martin & James Roberts, "Sunny Tennessee" (Banner 32306, 1931; Conqueror 7935, 1932; rec. 1931)
Peerless Quartet, "The Girl I Loved in Sunny Tennessee" (Victor 19390, 1924)
Charlie Poole and the North Carolina Ramblers, "The Girl I Left in Sunny Tennessee" (Columbia 15043-D, 1925; on CPoole04)
Red Fox Chasers, "The Girl I Loved in Sunny Tennessee" (Gennett 6930/Supertone 9497, 1929)
Walter Scanlan, "The Girl I Loved in Sunny Tennessee" (Edison 51893, 1927)
Ernest V. Stoneman "The Girl I Left in Sunny Tennessee" (Challenge 151, 1927); "The Girl I Left Behind in Sunny Tennessee" (Challenge 151/Gennett 3368/Herwin 75529, 1926)
Sweet & Zimmerman, "The Girl I Loved in Sunny Tennessee" (CYL: Edison 7414, 1900)
cf. "Bull Dog Down in Tennessee" (tune, subject of parody)
cf. "Down on the Farm (II)" (theme)
cf. "I'll Be There, Mary Dear" (theme)
Bull Dog Down in Tennessee (File: RcBDDITe)
File: R810
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