Come and Kiss Me, Robin

DESCRIPTION: "Come and kiss me, Robin, Come and kiss me now, Oh he came and kissed me, And he came and kissed me With my hands milking the cow!"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1928 (Randolph)
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Randolph 785, "Come and Kiss Me, Robin" (1 fragment)
Roud #5521
NOTES [68 words]: Randolph speculates that this may be related to Sandburg-TheAmericanSongbag's item "The Pretty Girl Milkin' the Cow." They're both fragments, so it's possible -- but I don't see any clear links.
Similarly, Roud links this with the fragment "John, Come Kiss Me Now" in Chappell/Wooldridge-OldEnglishPopularMusic I (pp. 268-269) and now in the index under that title. Possible, but I need a lot more evidence. - RBW
Last updated in version 2.5
File: R785

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