Ida Red (I)
DESCRIPTION: "Ida Red, Ida Red, I'm in love with Ida Red." Verses often concern Ida, but are frequently silly and exaggerated: "Ida Red, she ain't a fool, Bigger'n an elephant, stronger'n a mule."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1924 (recording, Fiddlin' Powers & Family)
KEYWORDS: love nonballad humorous
REFERENCES (7 citations):
Randolph 442, "Ida Red" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roberts-SangBranchSettlers, #74, "Idy Red" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roberts/Agey-InThePine #128, "Ida Red" (1 text, 1 tune)
Silber/Silber-FolksingersWordbook, p. 36, "Ida Red" (1 text)
Rorrer-RamblingBlues-LifeAndSongsOfCharliePoole, p. 83, "Shootin' Creek" (1 text, with verses from this song but music and chorus from "Cripple Creek (I)")
Wheeler-SteamboatinDays, p. 14, "Ida Red" (1 text, 1 tune, somewhat removed from the standard version but too close to list as a separate song)
Roud #3429
Dykes' Magic City Trio, "Ida Red" (Brunswick 125, 1927)
Stanley Hicks, "Down the Road" (on OldTrad2, FarMtns2)
Land Norris, "Ida Red" (OKeh 45006, 1925)
Charlie Poole and the North Carolina Ramblers, "Shootin' Creek" (composite, with tune and chorus from "Cripple Creek (I); Columbia15286-D, 1928; on CPoole01, CPoole05)
Fiddlin' Powers & Family, "Ida Red" (Victor 19434, 1924)
Pete Steele, "Ida Red" (on PSteele01)
Riley Puckett, "Ida Red" (Columbia 15102-D, 1926)
Gid Tanner & the Skillet Lickers, "Ida Red" (Montgomery Ward M-4846, 1935)
"T" Texas Tyler, "Ida Red" (4-Star 1228, n.d. but post-World War II)
Wade Ward, "Ida Red" [instrumental] (on GraysonCarroll1)
Bob Wills & his Texas Playboys, "Ida Red" (Vocalion 05079, 1939/Columbia 37725, 1947)
cf. "Cripple Creek (I)" (floating verses)
NOTES [44 words]: Wheeler's version has the chorus, "Ida Red, I'm gettin' tired uv eatin' that shortnin' bread." Not enough reason to call it a separate song, to my mind -- though Roud, for once, appears to split (it's his #9992). Of course, he lumps this with "Ida Red (II)." - RBW
Last updated in version 6.7
File: R442
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