My Name is McNamara

DESCRIPTION: "My name in McNamara And I come from County Clare...." "Our little farm was small, It would not support us all," so he emigrates via Castle Gardens. He finds it hard to find work because he is Irish, but hopes to bring his family across the sea
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1941 (Peters-FolkSongsOutOfWisconsin)
KEYWORDS: emigration hardtimes work mother sister
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Peters-FolkSongsOutOfWisconsin, p. 53, "My Name is McNamara" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #9082
cf. "Castle Gardens (I)" (exile theme and mention of Castle Garden)
cf. "Macnamara's Band" ("My name is Macnamara" line)
cf. "McNamara's Band" ("My name is Macnamara" line)
NOTES [32 words]: I was sorely tempted to lump this with "Castle Gardens," from which I strongly suspect it is descended. But the motivations are sufficiently different that I very tentatively split them. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.5
File: Pet053

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