Jimmy and Nancy (III)

DESCRIPTION: A sailor tells his true love "It is all for your sweet sake I am bound to cross the ocean." Her mother and father are against them but she will not turn against him. He promises to be true. They kiss and part; she wishes him well.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1929 (Karpeles-FolkSongsFromNewfoundland)
KEYWORDS: love separation dialog lover sailor
FOUND IN: Canada(Newf)
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Peacock, pp. 528-529, "Jimmy and Nancy" (1 text, 1 tune)
Karpeles-FolkSongsFromNewfoundland 52, "Jimmy and Nancy" (2 texts, 2 tunes)

Roud #660
Everett Bennett, "Jimmy and Nancy" (on PeacockCDROM) [one verse only]
cf. "Jimmy and his Own True Love" [Laws O30] (plot)
Jimmy and Nancy the Departure
NOTES [194 words]: Roud lumps this with Laws O30, "Jimmy and his Own True Love." It's a difficult question, since the only field collection of O30 in Laws is from Mackenzie. But the Mackenzie version revolves around the giving of the ring. Until and unless I see the broadsides Laws cites, I'm keeping them separate.
Roud also lumps it with "Pleasant and Delightful," which strikes me as a much happier song.
In addition, it appears that at least one version of this song is entitled "Lisbon," a title usually reserved for "William and Nancy (I) (Lisbon; Men's Clothing I'll Put On I)" [Laws N8]. Laws did not know any of the Newfoundland collections cited for this song. Again, we separate, because this has no cross-dressing theme or promise by the girl to come with him. - RBW
This is not
Bodleian, Harding B 12(155), "William and Nancy's Parting" ("Come all you pretty maidens that have a mind to go"), Burbage and Stretton (Nottingham), 1797-1807; also Johnson Ballads 1597, Harding B 11(1999), Harding B 25(2062), Johnson Ballads 1059, 2806 c.18(336), Firth c.12(172), "William and Nancy's Parting"
Bodleian, 2806 c.18(332), "William and Nancy's Farewell," unknown, n.d. - BS
Last updated in version 6.8
File: Pea528

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