I've Busted Broncs

DESCRIPTION: "I've busted broncos off an' on since first I struck their trail." He knows them very well. But there is one on Powder River -- only one -- that he can't bust. The animal was worthless, but it bucked so hard he could not ride it
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1931 (ArkansasWoodchopper)
KEYWORDS: cowboy horse injury
REFERENCES (2 citations):
ArkansasWoodchopper, pp. 63-64, "The Bronk That Wouldn't Bust" (1 text, 1 tune, with the musical staves somewhat disarranged)
ADDITIONAL: Powder River Jack and Kitty Lee's _Songs of the Range: Cowboy Wails of Cattle Trails_, Chart Music, 1937, p. 37, "I've Busted Broncs" (1 text, 1 tune)

Arkansas Woodchopper [pseud. for Luther Ossenbrink] "The Bronk That Wouldn't Bust" (Conqueror 7883)
cf. "The Zebra Dun" (theme of the un-ridable horse) and references there
File: PRJL037

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