Old Yellow Slicker I Wore on the Range, The

DESCRIPTION: "It hangs in the bunkhouse right over the door, A relic of cow-punchin' trail days of yore... That old yellow slicker I wore on the range." The singer never went on the trail without it. It protected him from cold and rain. Now it brings back memories
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1937 (Powder River Jack Lee songbook)
KEYWORDS: clothes cowboy travel
REFERENCES (1 citation):
ADDITIONAL: Powder River Jack and Kitty Lee's _Songs of the Range: Cowboy Wails of Cattle Trails_, Chart Music, 1937, p. 21, "That Old Yellow Slicker I Wore on the Range" (1 text, 1 tune)
NOTES [20 words]: This reminds me of "My Dad's Dinner Pail," and the two match metrically, but I do not know if one inspired the other. - RBW
Last updated in version 2.7
File: PRJ021

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