Let Recreant Rulers Pause

DESCRIPTION: "Rouse! Orangemen, rouse! in God be your hope, For England is now allied with the Pope." "The Papists are plotting our Church to pull down." "For wearing a ribbon of Orange and Blue, The prisons were filled with the loyal and true" but we remain loyal
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1987 (Smyth/Bush/Long-OrangeLark)
KEYWORDS: Ireland nonballad political
Jul 26, 1869 - Irish Church Disestablishment Act
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Smyth/Bush/Long-OrangeLark 18, "Let Recreant Rulers Pause" (1 text, 1 tune)
cf. "The Downfall of Heresy" (subject)
NOTES [105 words]: Smyth/Bush/Long-OrangeLark: "This song is a protest against the proposal [sic] disestablishment and disendowment of the Church of Ireland, which was to take place in 1871." - BS
"Disestablishment" was the process under which Catholic tithes ceased to support the Protestant church and clergy. For the Catholic view of the matter, see "The Downfall of Heresy."
The absurdity of the claim that Britain was allied with the Pope is shown by the fact that, to this day, Catholics are excluded from the British succession. Not only is it illegal for a Catholic to be the crowned monarch, it's illegal for one even to marry a Catholic. - RBW
File: OrLa018

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