All the Girls in France

DESCRIPTION: The last word in each couplet is the subject of the next couplet. For example, "All the girls in France Do the hula-hula dance; And the dance they do ...." The chains through dance, shoe, pill, chicken and duck, make no sense.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1975 (Opie/Opie-TheSingingGame)
KEYWORDS: France playparty
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(High))
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Opie/Opie-TheSingingGame, p. 480, ("All the girls in France") (1 text)
cf. "The Hootchy-Kootchy Dance" (lyrics)
NOTES [25 words]: This is probably the same as "The Hootchy-Kootchy Dance," but on the off chance that this is the clean version of that bawdy song, I have split them. - RBW
Last updated in version 2.6
File: OpGa480B

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