Cock a Doodle Doo
DESCRIPTION: "Cock a doodle doo! My dame has lost her shoe, My master's lost his fiddlestick, And knows not what to do." Occasionally continues, "Cock a doodle doo, What is my dame to do? Till Master finds his fiddling stick She'll dance without her shoe." Etc.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: c. 1765 (Mother Goose's Melody); the first two lines are in A Most Cruel and Bloody Murther of 1606
KEYWORDS: music fiddle clothes dancing
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Opie/Opie-OxfordDictionaryOfNurseryRhymes 108, "Cock a Doodle Doo! (1 text plus extensive sitations of "A Most Cruel and Bloody Murther")
Baring-Gould-AnnotatedMotherGoose #46, pp. 56-57, "(Cock a Doodle Doo)"
Dolby-OrangesAndLemons, p. 122, "Cock a Doodle Doo" (2 texts)
cf. "Nineteen Hundred Forty Two" (lyrics)
File: OO2108
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