Night of the Ragman's Ball, The
DESCRIPTION: The ragmen and women have a ball with fights, music, food and drink, and more fights. Many are named. "Black eyes they were in great demand, not to mention split heads at all, So anyone wants to commit suicide let them come to the Ragman's Ball"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1913 (OLochlainn-IrishStreetBallads)
KEYWORDS: fight dancing drink food music party humorous moniker
FOUND IN: Ireland
REFERENCES (2 citations):
OLochlainn-IrishStreetBallads 62, "The Night of the Ragman's Ball" (1 text, 1 tune)
ADDITIONAL: Frank Harte _Songs of Dublin_, second edition, Ossian, 1993, pp. 42-45, "The Ragman's Ball" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #3006
File: OLoc062
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