Gleanntan Araglain Aobhinn (Happy Glen of Araglin)
DESCRIPTION: Gaelic. The singer bids farewell, across the waves, to the Glen of Araglin. He recalls the wine and beer, baying hounds, magic music, plough-teams, horses, cattle, birds, deer, "and the beautiful fair-breasted maiden"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1971 (OCanainn-SongsOfCork)
KEYWORDS: foreignlanguage farewell lyric nonballad animal
FOUND IN: Ireland
REFERENCES (1 citation):
OCanainn-SongsOfCork, pp. 82-83, "Gleanntan Araglain Aobhinn" (1 text, 1 tune)
NOTES [19 words]: The description is from O Canainn's translation.
OCanainn-SongsOfCork: "The Araglin is a river in County Cork." - BS
File: OCan082
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