Johnny Jump Up

DESCRIPTION: Beer is sold out; the singer tries cider. Never again. Falling-down drunk after a quart, he fights a policeman. A man on crutches dances and a friend goes to the mad house after cider. A corpse at a wake asks to take a quart for admission to Heaven.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1978 (OCanainn-SongsOfCork)
KEYWORDS: drink talltale
FOUND IN: Ireland
REFERENCES (1 citation):
OCanainn-SongsOfCork, pp. 72-73, "Johnny Jump Up" (1 text, 1 tune)
NOTES [27 words]: OCanainn-SongsOfCork: "The title of the song is the name of a cider made in Clonmell and well known for its potency, due to being stored in whiskey barrels." - BS
File: OCan072

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