Trial of John Twiss, The

DESCRIPTION: Twiss bids sister Jane farewell from the scaffold. He is innocent of the murder of Donovan. "Paid spies and informers, my life they swore away." At the Cork assizes he is tried, convicted, and sentenced. He blesses the mayor of Cork and other supporters.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1978 (OCanainn-SongsOfCork)
KEYWORDS: execution homicide trial
FOUND IN: Ireland
REFERENCES (1 citation):
OCanainn-SongsOfCork, pp. 44-45, "The Trial of John Twiss" (1 text, 1 tune)
NOTES [27 words]: OCanainn-SongsOfCork: "John Twiss from Castleisland was sentenced to death at the Cork assizes for the murder of James Donovan and was hanged in Cork in 1895." - BS
File: OCan044

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