Amhrain An Tsagairt

DESCRIPTION: Gaelic. On entering seminary, singer is asked if he has a girlfriend. Lying, he denies it. As a priest, he still thinks about her, even when saying Mass.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1956 (OCroinin/Cronin-TheSongsOfElizabethCronin)
KEYWORDS: foreignlanguage love lie clergy
FOUND IN: Ireland
REFERENCES (1 citation):
OCroinin/Cronin-TheSongsOfElizabethCronin 8, "Amhrain An Tsagairt" (2 texts, 1 tune)
NOTES [17 words]: The description follows the "English Summary" provided by OCroinin/Cronin-TheSongsOfElizabethCronin. - BS
Last updated in version 3.2
File: OCC008

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