Badai na Scadan (The Herring Boats)
DESCRIPTION: Gaelic. The singer recalls that his son was killed when his herring boat was wrecked on a submerged rock. He names the men drowned and their mourning family members. He hopes that the bodies will be found.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1976 (OBoyle-TheIrishSongTradition)
KEYWORDS: foreignlanguage grief death fishing sea ship wreck moniker
FOUND IN: Ireland
REFERENCES (1 citation):
OBoyle-TheIrishSongTradition 2, "Badai na Scadan" (1 text, 1 tune)
NOTES [57 words]: O Boyle does not translate the text. There is an English translation by Eamonn O Donaill on RootsWeb site Transcriptions-Eire-L Archives. The description follows that translation. The notes on that site say this "is a song from Donegal which was composed by a grief stricken father whose sons were killed in a shipwreck near Inisfree Island." - BS
File: OBoy002
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