Many, Many Stars Are in the Sky
DESCRIPTION: "Many, many stars are in the sky/skies, Some as old as Adam [or, "And each as old as Adam"], Down upon your knees and kiss who you please, Your humble servant, Madam." Described as a kissing game
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1903 (Newell-GamesAndSongsOfAmericanChildren)
KEYWORDS: playparty courting
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Killion/Waller-ATreasuryOfGeorgiaFolklore, p. 227, "Many, Many Stars" (1 short text)
Newell-GamesAndSongsOfAmericanChildren, p. 62, "(Many, many stars are in the skies)" (1 short text, filed under #10, "marriage")
Gentry/Smith-ASingerAmongSingers, #55, "If I Had As Many Wives" (1 short text, 1 tune)
Roud #14006
NOTES [88 words]: Roud lumps several playparties about stars under the same number; I am hesitant to agree.
It might be noted that, according to Genesis 1:16, the stars are older than Adam.
Also, the Gentry text "If I Had As Many Wives" talks about being as old as Moses. But Moses did not live particularly long by the standards of the patriarchs; he is said to have live too be 120 years old (Deuteronomy 34:7); even his brother Aaron lived to be 123 (Numbers 33:39), and his grandfather Levi is said to have lived to be 137 (Exodus 6:16). - RBW
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File: Newe066M
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