Here Is to Sweet Ireland

DESCRIPTION: "Here is to sweet Ireland, the land of my birth, The land of the Shamrock, the best land on earth. The Irish were Irish when England wasn't much, And still will be Ireland, when England turns Dutch." By next summer, the Germans will have beaten England
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1949 (Nestler)
KEYWORDS: Ireland patriotic war
REFERENCES (1 citation):
ADDITIONAL: Harold Nestler, "Songs from the Hudson Valley" (article in _New York Folklore Quarterly_, Volume V, #2, Summer 1949), p. 102, "Here Is to Sweet Ireland (1 text)
NOTES [66 words]: Nestler says this song is from World War I, and the fact that England is at war with Germany obviously implies that it dates from one of the World Wars. But, during World War I, many Irish voluntarily fought for Great Britain, and the British, although they never looked like they were winning, rarely appeared to be losing, either. Which makes me wonder if this wasn't tweaked in World War II. - RBW
Last updated in version 4.4
File: Nest102A

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