Pretty Girls of Liverpool
DESCRIPTION: Sailors are at sea while landlubbers stay at home with their girls. In danger the captain says "don't be faint hearted, You shall see your girls again In spite of Bonaparte." We'll go home to our girls; when our money is gone we "plough the seas for more"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 19C (broadside, Bod17024 Harding B 25(1561)); 1951 (MUNFLA/Leach)
KEYWORDS: courting navy war parting money sea ship nonballad sailor
FOUND IN: Canada(Newf)
Roud #V3382
Paddy Duggan, "We'll Go To Sea No More" (on MUNFLA-Leach)
Bodleian, Bod17024 Harding B 25(1561), "Pretty Girls of Liverpool," unknown, no date; also Bod13003 Harding B 11(3152), "Pretty Girls of Liverpool"
cf. "Dixie Brown [Laws D7]" (lyrics)
NOTES [26 words]: In spite of the MUNFLA/Leach song title the text there agrees with the text of the broadside that "when our money is all spent we'll go to sea for more." - BS
Last updated in version 4.2
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