Sheepfold, The

DESCRIPTION: "Whilst tyrants grasp with greedy aim ... As Friends of Freedom we aspire The Rights of Man for to require." Holy scripture tells "that all men shall be one sheepfold and under one great master." That time is coming and "we will strive to haste it faster"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1798 (_Paddy's Resource_(New York), according to Moylan-TheAgeOfRevolution-1776-1815)
KEYWORDS: nonballad political
FOUND IN: Ireland
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Moylan-TheAgeOfRevolution-1776-1815 16, "The Sheepfold" (1 text)
NOTES [21 words]: The discussion of Jesus as Shepherd occupies most of John 10, with the reference to one flock and one shepherd in John 10:16. - RBW
File: Moyl016

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