Cromie's Orange Buck, The

DESCRIPTION: Coming from a Hibernian Ball Misses M'Nulty and O'Hare meet Cromie's ranting Buck. He says he had "full authority from all the Orange boys" to "rip you on the ground." They run for protection to Barney Greenan who saves them. Ladies: travel protected.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1970 (Morton-FolksongsSungInUlster)
KEYWORDS: warning rescue party political talltale animal
FOUND IN: Ireland
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Morton-FolksongsSungInUlster 37, "The Cromie's Orange Buck" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #2889
NOTES [61 words]: Morton-FolksongsSungInUlster: "Initiation into the Orange Order involves various rituals the most important being 'the ride on the buck'. Whether this actually means that you ride on the back of a goat I just don't know, but the 'buck' has become a symbol of Orange power... '[T]he ranting season' is the time when a good strong healthy buck is looking for a wife." - BS
File: MorU037

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