Lovely Jane from Enniskea

DESCRIPTION: Willy Bell meets Jane McCann. Neither recognizes the other. He asks her to marry but she is still waiting for Willy after ten years. He shows her the ring she had given him before he left for America. She welcomes him home. They marry.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1973 (Morton/Maguire-ComeDayGoDayGodSendSunday)
KEYWORDS: love courting separation marriage America Ireland ring reunion
FOUND IN: Ireland
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Morton/Maguire-ComeDayGoDayGodSendSunday 5, pp. 9,101,157, "Lovely Jane from Enniskea" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #2901
John Maguire, "Lovely Jane from Enniskea" (on IRJMaguire01)
cf. "The Rocks of Bawn" (tune)
NOTES [37 words]: Morton/Maguire-ComeDayGoDayGodSendSunday: "The tune is the same as is generally used for 'The Rocks of Bawn' and also used for 'The Maid of Magheracloon'." Morton speculates that the Enniskea of the song is in Co. Louth. - BS
File: MoMa005

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