Way Down East Among the Shady Maple Trees

DESCRIPTION: Down east, among the shady maples, live Eloise and her mother. The singer would marry Eloise but her mother would not be left alone. He promises Eloise's mother they will take care of her. They marry and have children that play with grandma
AUTHOR: Tony Stanford (source: broadside, DukeDC a2358)
EARLIEST DATE: 1900 (Broadside DukeDC a2358); in tradition, 1951 (MUNFLA-Leach)
KEYWORDS: age courting love marriage promise children husband mother wife
FOUND IN: Canada(Newf)
Roud #26049
Joe Sutton, "Shady Maple Tree" (on MUNFLA-Leach)
DukeDC a2358, "Way Down Among The Shady Maple Trees", Leo Feist (New York), 1900 (1 text, 1 tune), accessed August 8, 2018, Duke University Libraries Digital Collections at https://library.duke.edu/digitalcollections/hasm_a2358/
File: Ml3ShMaT

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The Ballad Index Copyright 2024 by Robert B. Waltz and David G. Engle.