Bonnie Tyneside
DESCRIPTION: "After long years of absence... In far distant countries" the singer is returning to Tyneside. He recalls his youth and friends no longer there to greet him. His lover has waited for him and they'll marry and build a new home.
AUTHOR: George Chapp (source: McMorland/Scott-HerdLaddieOTheGlen)
EARLIEST DATE: 1986 (Willie Scott SA1986.135)
KEYWORDS: love marriage rambling return reunion separation travel England lover
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Bord))
REFERENCES (2 citations):
McMorland/Scott-HerdLaddieOTheGlen, pp. 110-111, 154, "Bonnie Tyneside" (1 text, 1 tune)
ADDITIONAL: Willie Scott, "Bonnie Tyneside," School of Scottish Studies Archive SA1986.135,Tobar an Dualchais/Kist o Riches accessed 14 September 2013 from
Roud #21748
cf. "Sweet Inishcara" (theme)
File: McSc110
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