Metisse, Le (Song of the Metis Maiden)

DESCRIPTION: Canadian French: "Je suis metisse et je suis orgueilleuse." "I am a girl of the small Metis nation" who is proud of her heritage. She hopes to marry one of the soldiers who fight for Metis freedom. Schultz is captures; McDougall is forced back
AUTHOR: supposedly Loius Riel
EARLIEST DATE: 1959 (MacLeod-SongsOfOldManitoba); probably written 1870
KEYWORDS: foreignlanguage Canada love fight
Nov. 2, 1869 - Louis Riel's men seize Upper Fort Garry, taking many prisoners.
REFERENCES (1 citation):
MacLeod-SongsOfOldManitoba, #8, pp. 51-55, "Song of the Metis Maiden" (1 French text plus English translation, 1 tune)
cf. "Riel's Song" (subject of the Metis rebellion) and references there
cf. "Chanson des Metis (Song of the Metis, or McDougall at the Border)" (subject of McDougall's attempt to govern the Metis)
cf. "Les Tribulations d'un Roi Malheureux (Misfortunes of an Unlucky 'King')" (subject of McDougall's attempt to govern the Metis)
File: Macl08

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