God Dawg My Lousy Soul

DESCRIPTION: "God dawg my lousy soul (x2), I'm goin' down the river And I couldn't git cross, God dawg..." Bluesy song; only the third and fourth lines change, e.g. "She put me in the bed And she covered up my head," "I'm goin' to Missouri To git me another dame"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1944 (Wheeler)
KEYWORDS: work love nonballad
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Wheeler-SteamboatinDays, p. 25-26, "God Dawg My Lousy Soul" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #10002
NOTES [39 words]: Yes, you know and I know what the title of the song should really be. But it's not clear whether Wheeler or her informant (Uncle Tom Wall) cleaned it up. If the latter, it's possible that it circulated in tradition in this form. - RBW
File: MWhee025

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