Repenting Sinner, The
DESCRIPTION: "In tears I now lament the sinful life I spent It's time for to repent." "That's cheating... cursing... envying our neighbors, Lust and fornication and vile insinuations." "Old and young prepare... Pray both late and early... for God to show us mercy"
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1951 (MUNFLA-Leach); c.1867 (broadside, Bodleian Bod11415 Harding B 11(1109))
KEYWORDS: mercy nonballad religious Jesus
FOUND IN: Canada(Newf)
Roud #30114
Mrs. K. McCarthy, "The Repentant Sinner" (on MUNFLA-Leach)
Bodleian, Bod23090 2806 b.9(208), "The Repenting Sinner" ("Good christains young & old give eure unto my scroll"(sic)), P. Brereton (Dublin), c.1867; also Bod4008 2806 c.18(262), Bod3997 Harding B 26(569), Bod9050 2806 c.8(130), Bod21971 Harding B 26(568), "The Repenting Sinner"
File: ML3ReSin
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