King Cotton

DESCRIPTION: "See how the lint flies out over the oorland, See how the smoke to the valley clings... This is the valley where Cotton is King." The factory "hooter" runs lives. The people are starving and have no sleep. "Many must work that the few might prosper"
AUTHOR: Mike Harding (source: Harding-FolkSongsOfLancashire)
EARLIEST DATE: 1980 (Harding-FolkSongsOfLancashire)
KEYWORDS: work hardtimes technology | cotton
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Harding-FolkSongsOfLancashire, p. 42, "King Cotton" (1 text, 1 tune)
NOTES [96 words]: This is not a traditional song; Mike Harding wrote it. For the most part I have omitted the songs in Harding-FolkSongsOfLancashire that are by modern authors. However, I have an old Topic album on which it was recorded without attribution. I don't know if the singers didn't know the singer, or if they just didn't supply the copyright data, but I thought I should include the song here just so that people who have that album will know the correct authorship of the song, with its highly unusual tune (which repeatedly uses the tritone rather than an ordinary note "fa"). - RBW
Last updated in version 6.7
File: MHFL042

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