Little Peach, The

DESCRIPTION: "A peach-tree in the orchard grew, 'Tis true! Oh! Listen to my tale of woe."
EARLIEST DATE: 1951 (MidwestFolklore), but see NOTES
KEYWORDS: food | peach tree woe
REFERENCES (1 citation):
MidwestFolklore, W. L. McAtee, "Some Folklore of Grant County, Indiana, in the Nineties," Volume 1, Number 4 (WInter 1951), p. 260, "(Good Night! Sleep tight!" (1 short text)
NOTES [93 words]: It seems likely that the MidwestFolklore fragment was inspired by "The Little Peach" by Eugene Field (1850-1895):
A little peach in the orchard grew, --
A little peach of emerald hue;
Warmed by the sun and wet by the dew,
It grew....
In the poem, Johnny Jones and his sister Sue knock down the "peach of emerald hue" and take a bite. "And then the trouble began to brew, -- Trouble the doctor couldn't subdue." They bury the two.
So the fragment in MidwestFolklore looks like a micro-summary. But I don't know if anything but the first line was preserved. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.8
File: MFL1260P

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