Tom Corrigan

DESCRIPTION: Corrigan is racing on the horse "Waiter." He is just overtaking the leader when he is thrown and killed.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1975 (Fahey-Joe-Watson-AustralianTraditionalFolkSinger)
KEYWORDS: death racing horse
FOUND IN: Australia
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Meredith/Anderson-FolkSongsOfAustralia, pp. 138-139, "Tom Corrigan" (1 text, 1 tune)
Fahey-Joe-Watson-AustralianTraditionalFolkSinger, [p. 16, page headed "When I was at school..."], "Tommy Corrigan" (1 text)

cf. "Donald Campbell" (theme)
cf. "The Death of Alec Robertson" (theme)
cf. "Alec Robertson (I)" (theme)
cf. "Alec Robertson (II)" (theme)
NOTES [88 words]: "Banjo" Paterson wrote a piece, "Tommy Corrigan (Killed, Steeplechasing at Flemington)" -- but the two are not the same.
Gwenda Beed Davey and Graham Seal, A Guide to Australian Folklore, Kangaroo Press, 2003, p. 75, has this entry for Tommy Corrigan: "Sometimes said to have been Australia's greatest jockey, Corrigan was killed in an accident a Caulfield racecourse in August 1894. His death was the subject of song and poetry, including a widely known Melbourne broadside usually titled 'The Death of Tommy Corrigan'." - RBW
Last updated in version 4.5
File: MA138

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