Where Shall Our Goodman Lie?

DESCRIPTION: Where shall our goodman [or Bonnie Annie] lie until summer [or the cold winter night] is over? Up in the hen loft among the rotten timber.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1817 (Cromek)
KEYWORDS: nonballad
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Bord))
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Lyle-Andrew-CrawfurdsCollectionVolume2 130, "Whar Sall Bonnie Annie Lye" (1 text)
ADDITIONAL: R.H. Cromek, Reliques of Robert Burns (London, 1817 fourth edition ("Digitized by Google")), p. 295, "Whare'll our Gudeman lie" (1 text (fragment?))

Roud #15104
NOTES [249 words]: Lyle-Andrew-CrawfurdsCollectionVolume2 is the Bonnie Annie version.
Cromek: "'Where wad bonie Annie lie.' The old name of this tune is -- 'Whare'll our Gudeman lie.' A silly old stanza of it runs thus -- ...." Cromek, p. 188, explains that of the following pages - including the "bonie Annie" note -- "The chief part of the following Remarks on Scottish Songs and Ballads exist in the hand-writing of Robert Burns, in an interleaved Copy, in 4 Volumes, Octavo, of 'Johnson's Scots Musical Museum.'"
There is at least one other song connecting "bonnie Annie" and "our goodman." "The Cordial" begins "Where wad bonnie Annie ly?" and is sung to "Where shall our goodman ly?" It's a dialog. The man asks, "Where wad bonny Annie ly? Alane nae mair ye maun lie; Wad ye a goodman try? Is that the thing your lacking?" She's afraid he would keep her awake. He assures her he'll let her sleep. And if waking the marching oboes frighten her will he protect her? He assures her again and a "healthy cordial standing by shall presently revive thee." She asks for a priest to join them: "let me try How I'll wi' a goodman lie, Wha can a cordial give me" (sources: Allan Ramsay, The Tea-Table Miscellany: or, A Collection of Choice Songs, Scots and English (London, 1876 (reprint of the 1850 fourteenth edition) ("Digitized by Google")), p. 83, "The Cordial" ("Where wad bonny Annie lie?") (1 text); Broadside Bodleian, Harding B 11(2279), "The Cordial" ("Where wad bonny Annie ly?"), Barlow, no date). - BS
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File: LyCr2130

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