Rosalind's Complaint

DESCRIPTION: "On the bank of a river so deep," "faithfullest" Rosalind mourns the loss of "most fickle ... Damon her lover." Having seduced her, "his flame from that moment expir'd" and he has "gone, to deceive some fresh nymph"
AUTHOR: Baker (source: Struthers)
EARLIEST DATE: 1782 (_The Charmer_, according to Lyle-Andrew-CrawfurdsCollectionVolume1); possibly 1729 (Watts, according to Chappell)
KEYWORDS: grief courting love seduction sex virginity rejection
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland(Bord))
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Lyle-Andrew-CrawfurdsCollectionVolume1 6, "Fair Rosalind" (1 text)
ADDITIONAL: John Struthers, The Harp of Caledonia (Glasgow, 1821 ("Digitized by Google")), Vol. I, pp. 197-198, "Rosalind's Complaint"

Roud #3852
cf. "Grim King of the Ghosts" (tune, per Struthers)
Grim King of the Ghosts (Chappell/Wooldridge-OldEnglishPopularMusic II, pp. 129-130)
NOTES [123 words]: Lyle-Andrew-CrawfurdsCollectionVolume1, p. xxxv: "6 Fair Rosalind is part of a song of seven eight-line stanzas beginning 'On the bank of a river so deep' which appears in the second volume of a song-book called The Charmer (Edinburgh 1782 pp. 73-74)." Chappell [W. Chappell, Popular Music of the Olden Time (London, n.d. [1859 per Internet Archive]), Vol II, p. 493], discussing the tune "Grim King of the Ghosts" says the tune was "also printed in Watts' Musical Miscellany, i. 126 (1729) to a song entitled "Rosalind's Comp-laint," commencing, "On the bank of a river so deep." Both Lyle-Andrew-CrawfurdsCollectionVolume1 and Chappell seem to be referring to the text quoted by Struthers and used as the source for the description. - BS
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