Honkytonk Asshole
DESCRIPTION: "I hang out in bars and bother the dollies, I peak when I'm not spoken to." The singer describes his performance in bars, and tells how he gets thrown out of the place as "bad for business.'
AUTHOR: Baxter Black
EARLIEST DATE: 1989 (Logsdon-WhorehouseBellsWereRinging)
KEYWORDS: drink work
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Logsdon-WhorehouseBellsWereRinging 61, pp. 275-277, "Honkytonk Asshole" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #10111
NOTES [36 words]: Logsdon-WhorehouseBellsWereRinging thinks this a typical example of modern bawdy songwriting. This strikes me as unlikely; it's dirty, but it's much too much like pop-country whining-because-I'm-on-the-road songs. - RBW
File: Logs061
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