Poor Girl on the Town, The

DESCRIPTION: "I had a dear old father once, who gave me this advice," telling his son to find a wife and stay away from harlots. The son points out that his sisters might be "poor girls on the town" who become harlots. The son is then advised to patronize harlots
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1968 (submitted to Logsdon by Riley Neal)
KEYWORDS: father sister brother whore warning
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Logsdon-WhorehouseBellsWereRinging 45, pp. 226-227, "The Poor Girl on the Town" (1 short text)
Roud #10101
NOTES [65 words]: I've given the description of this based on the text in Logsdon-WhorehouseBellsWereRinging, but I suspect the text is damaged. My guess is that there is a change of speakers: In the original, the father advises against whores, the son argues that even his sisters might end up whores, and someone else (my gut says an uncle) says, in effect, "Oh, go ahead, if you need to, visit a whore." - RBW
File: Logs045

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