Keep A-Inchin' Along
DESCRIPTION: "Keep a-inchin' along... Jesus will come by 'n by." "'Twas inch by inch I saved my soul." The singer makes plans for heaven, and for the festivities that will attend the arrival. "Ever since my Lord set me free, This old world's been a hell to me."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1915 (Work-FolkSongOfTheAmericanNegro)
KEYWORDS: religious freedom nonballad
REFERENCES (4 citations):
Work-FolkSongOfTheAmericanNegro, pp. 66-67, "Keep-A-Inching Along"; pp. 119-120, "(no title) (2 texts)
Lomax-FolkSongsOfNorthAmerica 239, "Keep A-Inchin' Along" (1 text, 1 tune)
Killion/Waller-ATreasuryOfGeorgiaFolklore, pp 249-250, "Keep Inchin' Along" (1 text)
Sandburg-TheAmericanSongbag, pp. 488-492, "Ezekiel, You and Me" (1 heavily composite text, 1 composite tune; the first verse is "Ezekiel Saw the Wheel," the second is from "Keep A-Inchin' Along," the third is "Standing in the Need of Prayer," the fourth is "Chilly Water" [Roud #15312], the last probably derived from "Sowing on the Mountain")
Roud #11947
File: LoF239
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