Oxen Song, The

DESCRIPTION: "Come all you bold ox teamsters, Wherever you may be...." "It's of a bold ox teamster, His name I'll tell to you, His name was Johnny Carpenter, He pulled the oxen through." Despite his prowess, the oxen wear out and the trips go slowly
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1939 (Linscott-FolkSongsOfOldNewEngland)
KEYWORDS: logger work animal moniker
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Linscott-FolkSongsOfOldNewEngland, pp. 263-267, "The Oxen Song" (1 text, 1 tune)

Roud #3751
cf. "The Lumber Camp Song" (theme) and references there
NOTES [30 words]: Linscott-FolkSongsOfOldNewEngland mentions a claim that this was by Larry Gorman -- but, frankly, Gorman's songs tend to be better than this; the song really doesn't go anywhere. - RBW
File: Lins263

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