Young Man Badly Walked, The

DESCRIPTION: The singer comes to Belfast and meets a girl. They stop for drinks. She takes him "home." He pays the landlady, planning to marry next day. He wakes alone, with no watch, chain, money, coat, or boots. A man throws him out. "Simple country lads," beware.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1989 (Leyden-BelfastCityOfSong)
KEYWORDS: love sex violence beauty drink theft whore
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Leyden-BelfastCityOfSong 30, "The Young Man Badly Walked" (1 text)
cf. "Gold Watch [Laws K41]" (plot) and references there
cf. "The Reason Why" (plot)
NOTES [17 words]: Leyden-BelfastCityOfSong: "A song set in High Street and York Street [Belfast] in the late 1870s." - BS
File: Leyd030

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